derpy's script loader - Config Files

DSL5 Config files are more like traditional INI files. Keys and values can be seperated with : or =, strings can be wrapped in quotation marks, and lines starting with [ are ignored.

All config files in DSL are comprised of simple key / value pairs using plain text. The first word on a line is considered the key, and the rest of the line (after skipping whitespace) is considered the value. Key names are case-sensitive, and no extra processing is done to the value by default. This means that the "type" of a value is only determined by the way it is used. The same key can be specified multiple times in a single config file. This functionality can be used to define an array of values. See AllConfigValues. A comment can be specified using #, which instructs DSL to ignore the rest of a line.

Main DSL Config

DSL's main config file can be found at _derpy_script_loader/config.txt. This file is generated when DSL is started if it does not exist or if it is not the correct config version.

It is a self-explanatory file so not every option will be broken down here, but there are some hidden options that do not get generated.

DSL5 Hidden Developer Options

dev_add_debug_functions false     # add debug functions to the global environment
dev_add_rebuild_function false    # add the RebuildArchives function to the global environment

DSL5 Hidden Pool Options

resize_pool_scale 0                 # multiply the value of all other pool options (pools are left alone when result is zero)
resize_pool_ptr_node 15000          # resize game pools (keep in mind many parts of the game will not support it)
resize_pool_entry_info_node 2000
resize_pool_vehicle 15
resize_pool_ped 24                  # also controls 8 parallel pools
resize_pool_joint_constraint 48     # also controls 3 parallel pools
resize_pool_weapon 57               # actual name unknown
resize_pool_lua_script 8
resize_pool_dummy 300
resize_pool_prop_anim 220
resize_pool_building 2250
resize_pool_treadable 1
resize_pool_col_model 4150
resize_pool_stimulus 87
resize_pool_object 275
resize_pool_projectile 35
resize_pool_cut_scene 30
resize_pool_unknown 200             # unknown pool

Script Collection Config

Every script collection can have its own config that defines how it should behave.

Script collection config files are explained in depth here.