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Get a full path given a relative path. Usually not needed, as most DSL functions expect the relative path. If no File name is given, then it's just as if "" was used. A Full path in this context is not a full system path, but rather just a path that is relative to Bully.exe rather than the running collection.
Get the path of a file located in DSL's packages folder. The File name is optional just like in GetScriptFilePath. This is what you should be using to get your DLL file if you have a package script using loadlib.
Returns if system access is unrestricted.
Open a file given a relative path. Mode should be "r" for reading, "w" for writing, or "a" for updating.
Files are always opened in binary, and the size of the file is returned in Bytes.
Zipped scripts (see IsScriptZipped) can only open files for reading.
DSL6 The "a" mode was added.
Close a file. Although you should close a file as soon as you are done with it, don't worry too much about closing it in the case that your script shuts down earlier than expected. It will automatically be collected at that time, as long as there aren't references to it anywhere else.
Flush writing operations.
Only allowed on non-zipped files, seeks a file like ANSI C.
Read Bytes from File.
Write Data to File.
Save a table to a file given a relative path. The same restrictions apply here as with PackTable.