derpy's script loader - Relative Paths

Many DSL functions will take something known as a relative path. This means that the path you give is relative to the running collection, or the game's Scripts folder if a DSL is not running (meaning the function was called from a base game script). For example you request a file named file.txt from a normal collection named Collection, then the real path used will end up being something like _derpy_script_loader/scripts/Collection/file.txt.

File Security

If system access is not enabled (see allow_system_access in DSL's config), then an error will occur when trying to access a file that is not in a "safe" path. Anywhere in DSL's scripts folder and packages folder is considered safe, but in general you shouldn't be accessing anything outside of your own collection.

Zip Files

If the running collection is a zipped collection, then the file is retrieved from the zip archive. In this case, there is no way to refer to a file that is not in said zip archive.